21: Why Real Relationship Accountability Might Seem Like Way Too Much to Ask of Someone


At first glance, real accountability can seem like it might entail some highly unattractive aspects if it were taken on. Namely;


1) highly unreasonable or unachievable expectations of perfection from a current or potential partner,

2) highly unreasonable or unachievable expectations of a current or potential partner that might well push them away.


Honestly, with a little understanding of how the principles of real relationship accountability work, we promise you neither of these things will occur. (But while we’re on the subject, having standards of your partner that they understand are essential for them to meet is a heck of a lot less troublesome than hoping your partner will magically rise to a standard you’ve neither quite articulated nor conveyed.)


The truth is accountability isn’t about making your current or potential partner jump through hoops, fit into neat little box, or conform to some cookie-cutter shape…it’s about finding a partner who values relationship accountability and is willing to be held to that standard.


Remember: requiring and expecting that someone treat you as one who truly loves and values you isn’t an imposition on someone who truly loves and values you!!


And if they don’t, at the very least you have that understanding far sooner than later and can adjust accordingly given that knowledge.


That’s it!



20: Why Even The Golden Rule Fails to Bring About Accountability